Creativity On Embroidery and Garment Printing's Fan Box

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hot stories behind the scenes

We have had our direct-to-garment printer for nine months now. Yesterday we'd scheduled a full production run consisting of 140 t-shirts printed front and back. We also had 20 more shirts with embroidery on the front and printing on the back.

Altogether that was 300 print impressions.

It was 109 degrees outside.

We've got some pretty good insulation for the shop, but nature was really playing hardball.

Our printer is designed to flash a warning message when the printer sensors register 89 degrees. Guess what they did.

Nature won. (It was a little like that old story about the north wind not being able to remove the guy's jacket by huffing and puffing, but the sun did it with a well-conceived baking strategy.)

So how was the order printed? At night while the sun was sleeping.

The shirts turned out great!

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