Creativity On Embroidery and Garment Printing's Fan Box

Monday, October 12, 2009

Become a custom shirt sponsor

Say that you have a business and you would like to get your name out into the community. How can you accomplish that?

You can advertise. Of course that gets pretty expensive when you do lots of it. Newspapers used to be the only game in town for businesses that could not afford radio and TV. A main drawback of ads, especially for small businesses on tight budgets, is that ads often end up in the trash. Message gone. Out of sight, out of mind.

Promotional giveaways are a great alternative to traditional advertising. If the product is useful, like apparel or mouse pads or the trusty calendar, your company name stays in view.

One relatively low-cost way to both advertise and help support entities within your community is to sponsor a fund-raising effort. Here’s how that works:

You would fully or partially finance the printing of, say, 100 t-shirts. Somewhere on the t-shirt there would be a special place for your logo and possibly a slogan.

The rest of the shirt would be printed with the text, graphics, or photos of the entity doing the fund-raising. They would benefit from your picking up the printing costs. They would then sell the shirts and make money for their organization.

As a sponsor, you would get a tax wrte-off. You would also get name recognition from what was printed on the shirt along with recognition that you helped sponsor an organization. Earning a reputation for giving back to the community is a great way to promote your own business as you help another group raise funds. Win-win!

At Creativity On we frequently put together apparel and products where one business entity helps promote a cause or a charity. While it’s usually the charity that approaches the sponsor, we would be happy to help potential sponsors find worthy causes to support.

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